Perth Raptor Care

About Perth Raptor Care

My name is Marra, and I have been helping to rehabilitate injured raptors in Perth, Western Australia, since 1997. There are volunteers around the state who take care of all kinds of injured wild animals and orphans. We are known as Exercising an Australian Hobby. wildlife rehabilitators. I am registered as a wildlife care volunteer with the Department of Environment and Conservation (formerly CALM).

I work as part of a cooperative team of raptor rehabilitators in W.A. I operate Perth Raptor Care as a satelite facility of the Society for the Preservation of Raptors Inc.. I am also a member of the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (IWRC). This is a professional organisation that provides up to date information and training in wildlife rehabilitation.

Perth Raptor Care consists of my specialist raptor hospital inside my home, and back yard raptor pre-release facilities at three properties. I have my own Mission Statement and adhere to the WA standards for rehab enclosures. Hospital facilities include "ICU" heated hospital boxes and non-heated recovery boxes. Outdoor enclosures vary from 1.5 x 0.9 x 0.9 meters to 12 x 4 x 3 meters. In some cases, this pre-release housing is not sufficient to get raptors fully fit for hunting and release. In these cases birds are transferred to other Society member facilities.

Here is a little on my perception of the philosophy of wildlife rehabilitation.

Like many other wildlife rehabilitators worldwide, members of the Perth raptor "rehab" community feel strongly that educating people about our wildlife is very important. For this reason I started my business and have a licence to bring non-releasable raptors to educational talks and displays. It is amazing how peoples' perception of raptors and interest in conservation is changed by seeing live animals 'in person'.

Perth Raptor Care is funded through donations.
Would you like to help to return a raptor to the wild?

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