Perth Raptor Care

Rehabilitation and Release

This section is NOT a guide on all the things you need to know to properly care for raptors. I am assuming that my readers are already wildlife carers, but do not have a lot of raptor experience.

The prerequisite to becoming a raptor rehabilitator in WA is to attend the Wildlife Carer's Course run through the Dept. of Conservation (CALM). Each state and territory varies in it's requirements, so you should contact the appropriate authorities to find out.

You should find a mentor, a good vet and get a freezer well stocked with mice, day old chickens, ox heart or 'roo steak, and whatever other fresh, healthy whole food animals you can find. You will also need the right housing for your patients.

This is a mixed collection of topics that are important for the rehabilitation of these birds. I have not covered the general things that apply to all birds, such as medical stuff. For that, you need contact with an experienced avian vet, an experienced carer and a few good reference books.

Case studies and more info. on this page are under construction.



Species Rehab. Notes Aviary sizes.
Table of best Rehab. methods.
Housing for Raptors Temporary housing- the Giant Jump Box
Tethering raptors- Why's and Do's.
Perches for Raptors More on Psychology
Some useful perch guidelines
Bumblefoot- case study
Medicine for Non-drinkers Tube feeding
Cleaning Oiled or Tarred Birds
To Tame or Not To Tame? Glossary and definitions
Free Flight Training
Raising Orphans A hand rearing method.
Imprinting tendencies by genus.

Disclaimer: The information published here reflects the views, research and experience of the author. The author reserves the right to be proven wrong, or to change her mind due to further experience.

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